Lets understand the definition of this crime; Blame is the act of censuring, holding responsible, making negative statements about an individual or group that their action or actions are socially or morally irresponsible, the opposite of praise. When someone is morally responsible for doing something wrong their action is blameworthy. By contrast, when someone is morally responsible for doing something right, we may say that his or her action is praiseworthy. There are other senses of praise and blame that are not ethically relevant. One may praise someone’s good dress sense, and blame the weather for the crop failure. (this defn is from from Wiki)
Why do people blame others?
Why do people blame others?
- When there is a fault / error / mistake and things have gone out of their control.
- When people want to hide their mistakes.
- When people want to take advantage of a situation / play politics.
- When people want to play prank on others.
But when blaming, do you really think of the implications? The implications can be:
- The blamed person may not be the actual culprit / has fewer roles in the mistake. In this case, he/she will get a bad name and it might result in distrust on that person from others.
- You will be caught some or the other day for this. The blamed person may start hating you.
- When your crime is revealed, the blamed person may also play against you and fix you in a similar situation.
Think before blaming?
- Before blaming just check your conscious whether your doing right or wrong.
- Try to avoid the mistake and handle the condition to your best possible extent.
- If a person has to be blamed, then warn the person about this (if he /she is the culprit before) and then blame.
Be a gentleman not a hypocrite.
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