Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Aal izz well" attitude !!!

Though the phrase is from the famous movie "3 Idiots", the attitude is from a typical Indian. In the movie Aamir khan narrates a story of his town - the people in his town used to sleep peacefully by hearing the Gurkha’s (night watchman) call - "Aal Izz well" (all is well), thinking that he is there to watch. Once a robbery happened in the town and later the people came to know that this Gurkha is blind.
People will not wake up / act, unless it’s alarming or things have turned worse and have come to their neck. Assertiveness, examination, backup option, taking initiatives lack in many people. If few things are moving smooth (good / bad) leave it as-it-is, unless something major happens with the system. 

Take this most irritating unscheduled power cuts in Karnataka; as an interim arrangement the state govt thought of buying power from “power surplus state” Gujarat. Gujarat govt (after its survey) announced that the state is ready to give power, but Karnataka is unable to do so as transmission arrangement is not in place. Now, the Karnataka govt is acting on this issue and planning to put the system is place. But this will take more than two years!! I guess these guys are maintaining this sine Sir MV’s time! So the govt's "Aal izz well" attitude has pushed the state in longer hours of darkness for two more years.
You would say this is the attitude of govt in all the sectors. But consider a common man - during the recession many lost their jobs and they were not having any alternate options / plans for their future. Even though the job market was down and many companies were laying-off their employees, many were waiting for their turn to be sacked! People did not look-out nor had an alternate arrangement because of this attitude. People didn’t even try to save their jobs by performing well or taking some extra initiatives in the company to prove their value.

This attitude exists in all of us to quite an extent. So folks when-ever you take up any major tasks / decision make sure that you do it right keeping the future  impact / use; only then this “Aal izz well” attitude will hold good.

This is nothing to do with pessimism; this is being alert, assertive, futuristic and being safe.
“Aal izz NOT well” should be your attitude!

1 comment:

  1. Hay Rag, good goin & very motivating... we are all the victims of this may be now its high time we wake up :) instead of sleeping like those in ur pic heheheh
